Security without Obscurity: A Guide to Cryptographic Architectures
by: Jeff Stapleton
ISBN-10: 0815396414
ISBN-13: 9780815396413
Edition 版本: 1
Released: 2018-07-17
Pages: 205
Information security has a major gap when cryptography is implemented. Cryptographic algorithms are well defined,key management schemes are well known,but the actual deployment is typically overlooked,ignored,or unknown. Cryptography is everywhere. Application and network architectures are typically well-documented but the cryptographic architecture is missing. This book provides a guide to discovering,documenting,and validating cryptographic architectures. Each chapter builds on the next to present information in a sequential process. This approach not only presents the material in a structured manner,it also serves as an ongoing reference guide for future use.
Security without Obscurity: A Guide to Cryptographic Architectures
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