Security and Privacy Schemes for Dense 6G Wireless Communication Networks
by Agbotiname Lucky Imoize (Editor), Chandrashekhar Meshram (Editor), Dinh-Thuan Do (Editor), Seifedine Kadry (Editor), Lakshmanan Muthukaruppan (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (August 15, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 550 pages
ISBN-10: 1839536632
ISBN-13: 9781839536632
Book Description
Fifth generation (5G) wireless networks are now commercialized, and the research focus has shifted towards sixth generation (6G) wireless systems. The integration of sensor nodes and massive machine type communication (MTC) devices (MDs) in ubiquitous 5G networks has facilitated the design of critical enabling technologies to support billions of data-hungry applications. By leveraging sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), sensitive user information can be harvested and transmitted to receivers via WSN-assisted channels, which are often not well secured. Consequently, sensitive user information can be intercepted and used unlawfully. The security and confidentiality measures used for data transmission over existing 5G WSN-assisted channels are limited. 6G systems are envisaged to face fiercer security challenges. In 6G wireless networks, a new set of sensing and precise localization techniques are predicted. Thus, the need to secure user information against adversarial attacks needs to be implemented at the design stage.
The book proposes viable solutions to revamp traditional security architecture by addressing critical security challenges in commercialized 5G and envisioned 6G wireless communication systems. Expert contributors bring new insights into real-world scenarios for the deployment, applications and management of robust, secure, and efficient security schemes for massive devices in 6G wireless networks. Finally, the book discusses critical security and privacy issues affecting the wireless ecosystem and provides practical AI-based solutions.
Security and Privacy Schemes for Dense 6G Wireless Communication Networks is an essential reference for industry and academic researchers; scientists, engineers, lecturers and advanced students in the fields of cybersecurity wireless communication and networking, network security, computing, data science, AI/ML/DL, and sensing, as well as cybersecurity professionals and 6G standardization experts.