SAR Image Interpretation for Various Land Covers: A Practical Guide

SAR Image Interpretation for Various Land Covers: A Practical Guide

SAR Image Interpretation for Various Land Covers: A Practical Guide

Author:by Elizabeth Simms (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏CRC Press

Edition 版本:‏1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏2019-12-16

Language 语言:English

Print Length 页数:136pages



Book Description

This full color book is a comprehensive visual reference for the interpretation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with examples of how technological specifications may affect interpretation solutions. It contains a summary review of image acquisition parameters of consequence on the visual representation of objects, introduces traditional interpretation keys under different light and applies them for considering regional landscape components and identifying large-scale geographical ensembles. Through elements of interpretation such as the construct of tone, texture, pattern, size, and shape, the book explains the rich unique context of many terrains. It provides also several SAR X- and C-band image examples of regional and large-scale land use and land cover (LULC) ensembles, includes important explanations for each illustration, and highlights selected SAR image applications. Ancillary information includes acquisition specifications, a geographic scale, and the image-center latitude and longitude.


    • Provides ready access to any type of information for an image interpretation problem related to current LULC classification schemes.
    • Presents scalable geographic information interpreted at a regional scale and land cover ensembles that can also be interpreted locally.
    • Provides comparative examples of images acquired from X- and C-band, opposed look directions, near- and far-range incidence angles, like- and cross-polarization modes.
    • Includes practical explanations easily transferred to individual’s research projects.

    Designed as “visual dictionary,” SAR Image Interpretation for Various Land Covers: A Practical Guide, is an excellent introduction to the visual interpretation of SAR images for numerous types of LULC. Both practitioners and students will familiarize themselves with and expand their knowledge of geographic information conveyed from radar images while government agencies and businesses that use LULC-related data for emergency response cases of for urban and regional planning, will find this book invaluable.

    About the Author

    Élizabeth L. Simms is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Memorial University. She received her MSc degree from the Université de Sherbrooke and completed her PhD from the Université de Montréal. She worked for the Application Division of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing on research projects related to the ocean, coastal environment, agriculture, and natural resource monitoring. In 1990, she joined the Department of Geography, Memorial University. Her academic activities include teaching courses in remote sensing, introductory geography information sciences, field methods, research design, and quantitative methods. Dr. Simms is currently coordinator of the Diploma in Geographic Information Sciences. Dr. Simms supervised graduate students in research based on radar and multispectral images, applied to mapping of coastal ice, boundary environments such as the coastal zone, Arctic tree line and glacier ice margins. Her research interest include developing teaching material to assist with learning of land use and land cover interpretation from RADARSAT-2 and COSMO- SkyMed images, developed area intensity classification from synthetic aperture radar, and the evaluation of remote sensing classification schemes for the representation of landscape features described through Aboriginal language.

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