Robotic Process Automation Technology in Supply Chain Management: Practical Applications for Simplifying Workflows

Robotic Process Automation Technology in Supply Chain Management: Practical Applications for Simplifying Workflows

Robotic Process Automation Technology in Supply Chain Management: Practical Applications for Simplifying Workflows

Author:by Barbara Galińska (Author), Mateusz Stachura (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏Productivity Press

Edition 版本:‏1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏2025-02-11

Language 语言:English

Print Length 页数:8pages



Book Description

This book analyses and presents the application of Robotic Process Automation technology (RPA) in supply chain management. It chronologically describes supply chain issues (definition and features, schema, management aspects, problems) and trends of Industry 4.0 solutions in supply chain management. It then describes RPA technology (definition and features, examples of use, and advantages and disadvantages). Essentially, readers gain the necessary knowledge of the most important features of Robotic Process Automation technology in supply chain management. The elements analysed focus on the supply chain and its functioning, the use of modern Industry 4.0 solutions in supply chain management, RPA technology, and its advantages or disadvantages. Noteworthy are the last two chapters, in which a conceptual model for the use of RPA in a company is developed, based on the results of the research conducted (case study). It demonstrates that with basic office tools, business process automation can be created, enabling the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions.

About the Author

Barbara Galińska is a Doctor of Economics in the discipline of management sciences. Graduate of two Technical Universities: Lodz University of Technology and Fachhochschule Kiel in Germany. Currently, she works as an assistant professor at the Lodz University of Technology – Faculty of Organization and Management. She is also the head of the postgraduate programme Logistics. She teaches in the field of enterprise logistics, modern tools in logistics, transport organisation and planning, and cost optimisation. Her scientific interests focus on issues related to logistics and logistics processes in enterprises (e.g., new systems and artificial intelligence in logistics). She is the author of more than 80 scientific studies, including monographs and articles.

Mateusz Stachura is a graduate of the Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management, he obtained the title of engineer, specialising in the field of logistics. Currently, he serves as a Data Analyst at Airbus Helicopters, Poland. Previously, he gained experience as an intern in the Logistics department at the renowned B/S/H/ company. His expertise encompasses the area of business process automation. During his internship, he developed skills in analysing business processes and data, significantly influencing his professional growth. Additionally, he holds a Ui Path-issued RPA Programmer certificate, confirming his abilities in the field of process automation using tools such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

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