Reinventing Manufacturing and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence

Reinventing Manufacturing and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence (Innovations in Big Data and Machine Learning) 1st Edition
Author: Geeta Rana,Alex Khang,Ravindra Sharma,Alok Kumar Goel,Ashok Kumar Dubey (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ CRC Press; 1st edition (December 15,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 178 pages
ISBN-10: 0367702096
ISBN-13: 9780367702090

Book Description

This edited book describes how newly emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies will provide unprecedented opportunities to penetrate technology and automation into everything we do,and at the same time,provide a huge playing field for businesses to develop newer models to capture market share.
It establishes a milestone in understanding global transformational changes occurring in the manufacturing and corporate world due to AI and tries to find powerful and sophisticated solutions that will improve and streamline operations.
Reinventing Manufacturing and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence will be of interest to students,researchers,and professionals of the AI community as well as interdisciplinary researchers
Reinventing Manufacturing and Business Processes Through Artificial Intelligence 9780367702090.rar

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