PYTHON BASICS: python for beginners

PYTHON BASICS: python for beginners
by Charles Rafferty
Publication date: August 15, 2022
Language 语言: English
File size: 3196 KB
Print Length 页数: 165 pages

Book Description

Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted programming language. Code readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, which makes heavy use of indentation.
Python uses garbage collection and has dynamic typing. It supports a variety of programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming as well as structured programming (especially this). Due to its extensive standard library, it is frequently referred to as a “batteries included” language.
Providing a computer, as you know, is divided into two unequal parts: hardware and software. This division is akin to the division of man into soul and body. HardwareSoftware is a body, that is, everything that exists as parts: case, monitor, boards, information input/output devices, various wires, loops, and ports. Software, the soul of a computer, is much richer and more varied, from the contents of BIOS chips and disk boot sectors to a new version of Windows that can span many gigabytes. Software is often divided into system software and application software. System software is what you use, without noticing it, or to which you resort in the most difficult moments of the computer’s life. That is operating systems, drivers, and all kinds of utilities. Application software is, generally speaking, a luxury item, so extremely diverse: file managers, editors and viewers of numerous file formats, music and video players, archivers (not so long ago listed in the system), computing systems, network applications, and program preparation tools that deserve to be discussed in more detail. This category includes all programs that serve to produce new programs. The range of program preparation tools includes source text editors (usually providing highlighting (highlighting some text elements that are important to the user: brackets, service words, etc.) and some superficial syntax checking of input constructions), translators(allowing you to actually run programs), debuggers (designed to serve the noble cause of finding errors in programs, but not always helping the programmer) and, in some cases, also tests (profilers), which allow, for example, to determine the slowest or most demanding resources block program. Recently, two trends have clearly emerged, used respectively in two fiercely competitive families of operating systems: UNIX and Windows (operating systems once experienced a boom, the theory of their structure was formulated in great detail).but, but, alas, many developments remained in the theoretical areas). Generally speaking, Unixes have only two editors: vi and emacs, and each Unixoid, while sometimes superbly proficient in one of them, hardly knows how to get out of the other. Emacs, for example, determines by the extension of the opened file what highlighting to apply to it, and in the standard distribution it contains up to a hundred highlights of different programming languages. The Unix debugger is also single, works at a very low level, and rarely helps in practice when using a language of any high level. Thus, only a translator (and only in rare cases a high-level debugger) is usually included in the delivery of the language for the Unix platform. Under Windows, the situation is somewhat different – all of the above nye components are soldered together and the result is called an integrated development environment. It looks, as you probably know, like an editor from which you can invoke actions such as compiling a source, executing a program, launching a debugger, and so on with various key combinations.

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