Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics 5th Edition

Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics 5th Edition
Author: Douglas Giancoli (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Pearson
Edition 版本:‏ 5th
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2021-07-02
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 1328 pages
ISBN-10: 0137488351
ISBN-13: 9780137488353

Book Description

For courses in introductory calculus-based physics.
This ISBN is for the Modified Mastering access card (18-week). Pearson eText is included.

Precise. Highly accurate. Carefully crafted.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy and a clear and direct narrative with applications that draw the student into the physics at hand. The text gives students a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, from mechanics to modern physics. Each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that students can relate to their everyday lives and future professions, and then moves to generalizations and the more formal aspects of the physics to show why we believe what we believe. The 5th Edition presents a wide range of new applications including the physics of digital, added approaches for practical problem-solving techniques, and new Mastering Physics resources that enhance the understanding of physics.

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About the Author

About our authors

Douglas C. Giancoli obtained his BA in physics (summa cum laude) from UC Berkeley, his MS in physics at MIT, and his PhD in elementary particle physics back at UC Berkeley. He spent 2 years as a post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley’s Virus lab developing skills in molecular biology and biophysics. His mentors include Nobel winners Emilio Segre and Donald Glaser. He has taught a wide range of undergraduate courses, traditional as well as innovative ones, and continues to update his textbooks meticulously, seeking ways to better provide an understanding of physics for students. Doug’s favorite spare-time activity is the outdoors, especially climbing peaks. He says climbing peaks is like learning physics: it takes effort and the rewards are great.

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