PHP 7: Real World Application Development
by: Altaf Hussain,Branko Ajzel,Doug Bierer
Pages: 1091 pages
Edition 版本: 1
Language 语言: English
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing
Released: 2016-08-31
ISBN-13: 9781787129009
Module 1: PHP 7 Programming Cookbook
Chapter 1: Building a Foundation
Chapter 2: Using PHP 7 High Performance Features
Chapter 3: Working with PHP Functions
Chapter 4: Working with PHP Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 5: Interacting with a Database
Chapter 6: Building Scalable Websites
Chapter 7: Accessing Web Services
Chapter 8: Working with Date/Time and International Aspects
Chapter 9: Developing Middleware
Chapter 10: Looking at Advanced Algorithms
Chapter 11: Implementing Software Design Patterns
Chapter 12: Improving Web Security
Chapter 13: Best Practices,Testing,and Debugging
Chapter 14: Defining PSR-7 Classes
Module 2: Learning PHP 7 High Performance
Chapter 1: Setting Up the Environment
Chapter 2: New Features in PHP 7
Chapter 3: Improving PHP 7 Application Performance
Chapter 4: Improving Database Performance
Chapter 5: Debugging and Profiling
Chapter 6: Stress/Load Testing PHP Applications
Chapter 7: Best Practices in PHP Programming
Appendix A: Tools to Make Life Easy
Appendix B: MVC and Frameworks
Module 3: Modular Programming with PHP 7
Chapter 1: Ecosystem Overview
Chapter 2: GoF Design Patterns
Chapter 3: SOLID Design Principles
Chapter 4: Requirement Specification for a Modular Web Shop App
Chapter 5: Symfony at a Glance
Chapter 6: Building the Core Module
Chapter 7: Building the Catalog Module
Chapter 8: Building the Customer Module
Chapter 9: Building the Payment Module
Chapter 10: Building the Shipment Module
Chapter 11: Building the Sales Module
Chapter 12: Integrating and Distributing Modules
PHP 7: Real World Application Development
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