AI-Processor Electronics: Basic technology of artificial intelligence
AI-Processor Electronics: Basic technology of artificial intelligence Author: Vinod Kumar Khanna (Author) Publisher fine...
AI-Processor Electronics: Basic technology of artificial intelligence Author: Vinod Kumar Khanna (Author) Publisher fine...
Building and Deploying WebAssembly Apps: Building secure, portable, and optimized web applications with WebAssembly (Eng...
Backend Software Architecture using Golang: Microservices, distributed systems, and cloud-native technologies (English E...
Digital Image Processing Using Python: A comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of digital image processing (English Ed...
The Quick Python Book, Fourth Edition Author: Naomi Ceder (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Manning Edition 版本: N/A...
Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment (Wiley Finance) Author: Tony Guida (Author) Publisher finelyboo...
C++ Primer (5th Edition) Author: Stanley Lippman (Author), Josée Lajoie (Author), Barbara Moo (Author) Publisher finelyb...
University Physics with Modern Physics in SI Units Author: Hugh D. Young (Author), Roger A. Freedman (Author) Publisher ...
University Physics with Modern Physics Author: Hugh Young (Author), Roger Freedman (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: ...
UNIVERSITY PHYSICS WITH MODERN PHYSICS Author: Hugh D. Young (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Pearson Education Edit...