Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®,2nd Edition

Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®
Authors: Ramin S. Esfandiari
ISBN-10: 1498777422
ISBN-13: 9781498777421
Edition 版本:‏ 2
Released: 2017-03-20
Pages: 493 pages

Book Description

This book provides a pragmatic,methodical and easy-to-follow presentation of numerical methods and their effective implementation using MATLAB,which is introduced at the outset. The author introduces techniques for solving equations of a single variable and systems of equations,followed by curve fitting and interpolation of data. The book also provides detailed coverage of numerical differentiation and integration,as well as numerical solutions of initial-value and boundary-value problems. The author then presents the numerical solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem,which entails approximation of a few or all eigenvalues of a matrix. The last chapter is devoted to numerical solutions of partial differential equations that arise in engineering and science. Each method is accompanied by at least one fully worked-out example showing essential details involved in preliminary hand calculations,as well as computations in MATLAB. This thoroughly-researched resource

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