Networks of the Future: Architectures,Technologies,and Implementations

Networks of the Future: Architectures,Technologies,and Implementations Front Cover
Networks of the Future: Architectures,Technologies,and Implementations
Pages: 448 pages
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Chapman and Hall/CRC
Released: 2017-10-04
ISBN-10: 149878397X
ISBN-13: 9781498783972

Book Description

This book provides a collection of contributions illustrating the latest research in the areas of future networks,applications,enabling technologies,and implementation issues and challenges. The book encompasses research on emerging areas such as the wireless technologies,software-defined networks,Cloud Computing,IoT,and Big Data. These emerging technologies bring promising opportunities and challenges which are also discussed in the book. It will also help researchers and graduate students to explore the latest research and trends in computer networking.
PART I Cognitive Radio Networks
Chapter 1 Cognitive Radio with Spectrum Sensing for Future Networks
Chapter 2 Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sensing
Chapter 3 Machine Learning Techniques for Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Chapter 4 Resource Management Techniques in Licensed Shared Access Networks
PART II 5G Technologies and Software-Defined Networks
Chapter 5 Software-Defined Network Security: Breaks and Obstacles
Chapter 6 Fog Computing Mechanisms in 5G Mobile Networks
Chapter 7 Lightweight Cryptography in 5G Machine-Type Communication
Chapter 8 Index Modulation: A Promising Technique for 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks
Chapter 9 Seamless and Secure Communication for 5G Subscribers in 5G-WLAN Heterogeneous Networks
Chapter 10 Simulators,Testbeds,and Prototypes of 5G Mobile Networking Architectures
PART III Efficient Solutions for Future Heterogenous Networks
Chapter 11 A Fuzzy Logic–Based QoS Evaluation Method for Heterogeneous Networks
Chapter 12 Network Virtualization for Next-Generation Computing and Communication Infrastructures: Scalable Mapping Algorithm and Self-Healing Solution
Chapter 13 Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks by Optimal Network Design
Chapter 14 Bandwidth Allocation Scheme with QoS Provisioning for Heterogeneous Optical and Wireless Networks
Chapter 15 Energy Conservation Techniques for Passive Optical Networks
Chapter 16 Energy Efficiency in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Chapter 17 Efficient Modulation Schemes for Visible Light Communication Systems
PART IV Big Data and the Internet of Things
Chapter 18 A Data Aware Scheme for Scheduling Big Data Applications with SAVANNA Hadoop
Chapter 19 Big Data Computing Using Cloud-Based Technologies: Challenges and Future Perspectives
Chapter 20 A Multidimensional Sensitivity-Based Anonymization Method of Big Data
Chapter 21 A Quick Perspective on the Current State of IoT Security: A Survey
Chapter 22 A Semidistributed Metaheuristic Algorithm for Collaborative Beamforming in the Internet of Things

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