Multi-Disciplinary Applications of Fog Computing: Responsiveness in Real-Time

Multi-Disciplinary Applications of Fog Computing: Responsiveness in Real-Time (Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (Acir) Book Series)
Author: Debi Prasanna Acharjya (Editor), Kauser Ahmed P (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ IGI Global
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2023-08-03
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 280 pages
ISBN-10: 1668444666
ISBN-13: 9781668444665

Book Description

Recently, several fog computing applications have been developed like IoT-based healthcare, 5G, blockchains, autonomous driving, and mobile wireless applications. They also address challenges such as data management, scalability, regulations, interoperability, device network human interfaces, security, and privacy. Further study on these applications is required to ensure this technology is utilized appropriately. Multi-Disciplinary Applications of Fog Computing: Responsiveness in Real-Time focuses on fog computing problems and solutions for various applications and covers the new approaches, architecture, and theoretical foundations in the fog paradigm of storage, communication, and computing. The book explores recent trends and challenges that lead to a potential course for the ideas, practices, norms, and strategies related to fog computing. Covering key topics such as data privacy, data analytics, and the internet of things, this reference work is ideal for computer scientists, policymakers, researchers, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students. Amazon page

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