Modern Computational Methods for Fractional Differential Equations
Author: Hossein Jafari (Author), Haleh Tajadodi (Author), Yusif S. Gasimov (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Edition 版本: 1st edition
Publication Date 出版日期: 2025-04-24
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 160 pages
ISBN-10: 103275043X
ISBN-13: 9781032750439
Book Description
Book Description
About the Author
Prof. Hossein Jafari is a Full Professor of Applied Mathematics. He completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics in Savitribai Phule Pune University, formerly the University of Pune, India, under the supervision of Prof. Varsha Daftardar-Gejji. His research interests include numerical analysis, Lie symmetry, integral transforms, bio-mathematics, artificial neural network and approximation theory. He gave a general integral transform for solving ODEs and integral equations. Since 2017, he has been on the list of the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) as a top researcher by Web of Science.
Dr. Haleh Tajadodi earned her Ph.D. from the University of Mazandaran, Iran, in 2014. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan. Her research focused on fractional calculus. She studied numerical and analytical methods for solutions of fractional differential equations. Additionally, her research interests include spectral method and approximation theory.
Prof. Yusif S. Gasimov graduated from Baku State University in 1992. He earned his Ph.D. in Mathematical Analysis in 1997 and Doctor of Sciences in Numerical Methods in 2011. Y. S. Gasimov developed methods to study eigenvalue problems with variable domains and shape optimization problems. He proposed a mathematically constructive formula for the definition of the domain variation, which plays a decisive role in the investigation of shape optimization problems. He gave a formulation of the inverse spectral problem with respect to domain, introduced the concept of s-functions and proposed a method for solution of this problem by the given set of these functions. Yusif S. Gasimov also studied numerical and analytical methods for solutions of different types of direct and inverse equations and also fractional derivative equations.
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