Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things, 2nd Edition

Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things

Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things

Author: Michael Roth (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎ CRC Press

Edition 版本:‏ ‎ 2nd edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ ‎ 2025-03-31

Language 语言: ‎ English

Print Length 页数: ‎ 532 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1032995041

ISBN-13: ‎ 9781032995045

Book Description

With Python, C++, FORTRAN, and a friendly conversational tone peppered with attempted

humor, Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things takes us on a journey through constructing

models and simulations of systems and processes in everyday life and beyond.

Readers can access an example‑packed online repository of programs in each of the three

languages, including seldom covered work in generalized geometries and 3D.

This second edition is a wonderful confluence of development of Python and C++ applications

and will cultivate a broad perspective in the readership through having translations of

major programs available in Python, C++, and FORTRAN (as we move forward, software

engineers and researchers are recognizing the value of legacy programming). In addition to

leveraging the best of the three languages, the readership can explore versatility in visualization

by using native Python graphics as well as POV Raytracer and third‑party animation

tools. We approach modeling of a system by introducing the theoretical framework of

the system, followed by its discretized form, and then with narrated programs and sample

results that also appear in the online repository.

Readers will be able to critically think through constructing models and simulations of

a vast array of systems, interpreting results, and visualizing them (which includes examples

for visually and auditorily impaired individuals). Most importantly, their confidence will

propel them forward to meet the challenges of the field and to think “outside the book.”

Leveraging the best of three coding languages, two tracks for visualization, a conversational

tone, and numerous examples, this book is extremely versatile and can be used by

students from high school through science undergraduates in 2‑year and 4‑year institutions.

The text is also ideal for use in Data Science as well as Professional Science Master’s


About the Author

Michael Roth has held higher education administrative positions in Colorado, Iowa and Kentucky and has held faculty positions at a variety of community colleges and universities in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Iowa and Kentucky. He enjoys team building, working with people and navigating difficult conversations. He has a passion for teaching and holds several awards for teaching excellence across all levels of undergraduate study and has participated in course and program development and assessment. He has involved a large and diverse group of students in his computational physics modeling and simulation–based research program and has published numerous articles and presented at conferences with them in the fields of condensed matter surface physics, bullet impact, groundwater flow, snow remediation, solar system formation and planetary impact. The author collects old family vehicles, antique science books and antique laboratory equipment.

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