Mission Oriented Effectiveness Evaluation and Optimization of Complex Systems

Mission Oriented Effectiveness Evaluation and Optimization of Complex Systems
by: Xuefeng Yan De Ping Zhang
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Nova Science Pub Inc (May 5,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 339 pages
ISBN-10: 1536193801
ISBN-13: 9781536193800

Book Description

The main content of this book includes: the entire analyzing process of system effectiveness and complex system performance; the construction,selection and modeling of the index system; the evaluation of system effectiveness; and the analysis of sensitivity and contribution,among other topics. Each chapter has a close logical relationship,which can help the readers understand the field more easily. This book has strong practicality. Based on the basic theories of various methods,we provide many concrete cases. Readers can quickly apply them to the practice of effectiveness evaluation following the case studies. The authors’ research and applications provide not only theoretical knowledge,but practical knowledge as well. The latest technological developments are also considered. This book mainly discusses the performance evaluation of typical complex systems,focusing on new theories and methods in this field. We believe this can help the development and application of effectiveness evaluation of complex systems. This book can be used as reference material or as a textbook for high grade students and graduated students in computer simulation and system modeling and simulation,control science and engineering. It also has important reference value for researchers and engineers in professional fields such as ship engineering,aircraft guidance and control,and aircraft design.
Chapter 10verview of Effectiveness Evaluation
Chapter 2Basic Concepts
Chapter 3Construction of Evaluation IndexSystem
Chapter 4Mathematical Modelina ofEffectiveness Index
Chapter 5 Classical Method of Effectiveness Evaluation
Chapter 6 Mission Oriented Effectiveness Evaluation
Chapter 7 Sensitivity of Operational Effectiveness
Chapter 8 Contribution Effectiveness
Chapter 9Design,Evaluation and Optimizationof Sos
About the Authors
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