Mathematical Modelling

Mathematical Modelling
by 作者: Simon Serovajsky
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (24 Nov. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 466 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 0367474301
ISBN-13 书号: 9780367474300

Book Description
Mathematical Modelling sets out the general principles of mathematical modelling as a means comprehending the world. Within the book,the problems of physics,engineering,chemistry,biology,medicine,economics,ecology,sociology,psychology,political science,etc. are all considered through this uniform lens.
The author describes different classes of models,including lumped and distributed parameter systems,deterministic and stochastic models,continuous and discrete models,static and dynamical systems,and more. From a mathematical point of view,the considered models can be understood as equations and systems of equations of different nature and variational principles. In addition to this,mathematical features of mathematical models,applied control and optimization problems based on mathematical models,and identification of mathematical models are also presented.
Each chapter includes four levels: a lecture (main chapter material),an appendix (additional information),notes (explanations,technical calculations,literature review) and tasks for independent work; this is suitable for undergraduates and graduate students and does not require the reader to take any prerequisite course,but may be useful for researchers as well
Described mathematical models are grouped both by 作者: areas of application and by 作者: the types of obtained mathematical problems,which contributes to both the breadth of coverage of the material and the depth of its understanding
Can be used as the main textbook on a mathematical modelling course,and is also recommended for special courses on mathematical models for physics,chemistry,biology,economics,etc
Mathematical Modelling 9780367474300.rar

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