Life and Death Design

Life and Death Design: What Life-Saving Technology Can Teach Everyday UX Designers
by 作者: Katie Swindler
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Rosenfeld Media (11 Jan. 2022)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 248 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1933820845
ISBN-13 书号: 9781933820842

Book Description
Emergencies—landing a malfunctioning plane,resuscitating a heart attack victim,or avoiding a head-on car crash—all require split-second decisions that can mean life or death. Fortunately,designers of life-saving products have leveraged research and brain science to help users reduce panic and harness their best instincts. Life and Death Design brings these techniques to everyday designers who want to help their users think clearly and act safely

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