Learning Perl: Making Easy Things Easy and Hard Things Possible,8th Edition

Learning Perl: Making Easy Things Easy and Hard Things Possible,8th Edition
by: Randal L. Schwartz ,brian d foy ,Tom Phoenix
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ O’Reilly Media; 8th edition (August 17,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 398 pages
ISBN-10: 1492094951
ISBN-13: 9781492094951

Book Description

If you’re just getting started with Perl,this is the book you want–whether you’re a programmer,system administrator,or web hacker. Nicknamed “the Llama” by: two generations of users,this best seller closely follows the popular introductory Perl course taught by: the authors since 1991. This eighth edition covers recent changes to the language up to version 5.34.
Perl is suitable for almost any task on almost any platform,from short fixes to complete web applications. Learning Perl teaches you the basics and shows you how to write simple,single-file programs–roughly 90% of the Perl programs in use today. And each chapter includes exercises to help you practice what you’ve just learned. Other books may teach you to program in Perl,but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer.
Topics include:
Perl data and variable types
File operations
Regular expressions
String manipulation (including Unicode)
Lists and sorting
Process management
Use of third-party modules

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