JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals

JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals
Authors: Sammie Bae
ISBN-10: 1484239873
ISBN-13: 9781484239872
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed.
Released: 2019-01-24
Print Length 页数: 380 pages

Book Description

Explore data structures and algorithm concepts and their relation to everyday JavaScript development. A basic understanding of these ideas is essential to any JavaScript developer wishing to analyze and build great software solutions.
You’ll discover how to implement data structures such as hash tables,linked lists,stacks,queues,trees,and graphs. You’ll also learn how a URL shortener,such as,is developed and what is happening to the data as a PDF is uploaded to a webpage. This book covers the practical applications of data structures and algorithms to encryption,searching,sorting,and pattern matching.
It is crucial for JavaScript developers to understand how data structures work and how to design algorithms. This book and the accompanying code provide that essential foundation for doing so. With JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms you can start developing your knowledge and applying it to your JavaScript projects today.
What You’ll Learn
Review core data structure fundamentals: arrays,linked-lists,trees,heaps,graphs,and hash-table
Review core algorithm fundamentals: search,sort,recursion,breadth/depth first search,dynamic programming,bitwise operators
Examine how the core data structure and algorithms knowledge fits into context of JavaScript explained using prototypical inheritance and native JavaScript objects/data types
Take a high-level look at commonly used design patterns in JavaScript

1.Bi0 Notation
2.JavaScript: Unique Parts
3.JavaScript Wumbers4.JavaScript Strings
5.JavaScript Arrays
6.JavaScript Objects
7.JavaScript Memory Management
10.Searching and Sorting
11.Hash Tables
12.Stacks and Queues
13.Linked Lists
18.Advanced Strings
19.Dynamic Programming
20.Bit Manipulation

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