Java Design Patterns: A Hands-On Experience with Real-World Examples,2nd Edition

Java Design Patterns: A Hands-On Experience with Real-World Examples
Authors: Vaskaran Sarcar
ISBN-10: 1484240774
ISBN-13: 9781484240779
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd ed.
Released: 2018-12-07
Print Length 页数: 500 pages

Book Description

Get hands-on experience implementing 26 of the most common design patterns using Java and Eclipse. In addition to Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns,you will also learn about alternative design patterns,and understand the criticisms of design patterns with an overview of anti-patterns. For each pattern you will see at least one real-world scenario,a computer-world example,and a complete implementation including output.
This book has three parts. The first part covers 23 Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns. The second part includes three alternative design patterns. The third part presents criticisms of design patterns with an overview of anti-patterns. You will work through easy-to-follow examples to understand the concepts in depth and you will have a collection of programs to port over to your own projects.
A Q&A session is included in each chapter and covers the pros and cons of each pattern. The last chapter presents FAQs about the design patterns. The step-by-step approach of the book helps you apply your skills to learn other patterns on your own,and to be familiar with the latest version of Java and Eclipse.
What You’ll Learn
Work with each of the design patterns
Implement design patterns in real-world applications
Choose from alternative design patterns by comparing their pros and cons
Use the Eclipse IDE to write code and generate output
Read the in-depth Q&A session in each chapter with pros and cons for each design pattern

Partl. Gang of Four Patterns
1. Singleton Pattern
2. Prototype Pattern
3. Builder Pattern
4. Factory Method Pattern
5. Abstract Factory Pattern
6. Proxy Pattern
7. Decorator Pattern
8. Adapter Pattern
9. Facade Pattern
10. Flyweight Pattern
11. Composite Pattern
12. Bridge Pattern
13. Visitor Pattern
14. Observer Pattern
15. Strategy(Policy) Pattern
16. Template Method Pattern
17. Command Pattern
18. terator Pattern
19. Memento Pattern
20. State Pattern
21. Mediator Pattern
22. Chain-of-Responsibilty Pattern
23. Interpreter Pattern
Partl. Additional Design Patterns
24. Simple Factory Pattern
25. Null Object Pattern
26. MVC Pattern
Part ll. Final Discussions on Design Patterns
27. Criticisms of Design Patterns
28. AntiPatterns: Avoid the Common Mistakes
29. FAQs[/erphpdown]

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