Intelligent Reliability Analysis Using MATLAB and AI: Perform Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering using MATLAB and Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent Reliability Analysis Using MATLAB and AI: Perform Failure Analysis and Reliability Engineering using MATLAB and Artificial Intelligence (English … Edition) MongoDB Sharding (English Edition)
Author: Dr. Cherry Bhargava and Dr. Pardeep Kumar Sharma
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ BPB Publications (22 Jun. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 196 pages
ISBN-10: 939068465X
ISBN-13: 9789390684656

Book Description

How to minimize the global problem of e-waste
Key Features
Explore core concepts of Reliability Analysis,various smart models,different electronic components,and practical use of MATLAB.
Cutting edge coverage on building intelligent systems for reliability analysis.
Includes numerous techniques and methods to identify failure and reliability parameters.
Intelligent Reliability Analysis using MATLAB and AI explains a roadmap to analyze and predict various electronic components’ future life and performance reliability. Deeply narrated and authored Author: reliability experts,this book empowers the reader to deepen their understanding of reliability identification,its significance,preventive measures,and various techniques.
The book teaches how to predict the residual lifetime of active and passive components using an interesting use case on electronic waste. The book will demonstrate how the capacity of re-usability of electronic components can benefit the consumer to reuse the same component,with the confidence of successful operations. It lists key attributes and ways to design experiments using Taguchi’s approach,based on various acceleration factors.
This book makes it easier for readers to understand reliability modeling of active and passive components using the Artificial Neural Network,Fuzzy Logic,Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The book keeps you engaged with a systematic and detailed explanation of step-wise MATLAB-based implementation of electronic components. These explanations and illustrations will help the readers to predict fault and failure well before time.
What you will learn
Optimize various acceleration factors for exploring the residual life of components experimentally.
Design an intelligent model to predict the upcoming faults and failures of electronic components and make provision for timely replacement of the fault components.
Design experiments using Taguchi’s approach.
Understand reliability modeling of active and passive components using the Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
Intelligent Reliability Analysis Using MATLAB and AI 9789390684656.rar

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