Intelligent Algorithms: Theory and Practice

Intelligent Algorithms: Theory and Practice
Author: Han Huang (Author), Zhifeng Hao (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Elsevier
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-06-13
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 252 pages
ISBN-10: 0443217580
ISBN-13: 9780443217586

Book Description

The Theory and Practice of Intelligent Algorithms discusses the latest achievements of the computation time analysis theory and practical applications of intelligent algorithms. In five chapters, the book covers (1) New methods of intelligent algorithm computation time analysis; (2)Application of intelligent algorithms in computer vision; (3) Application of intelligent algorithms in logistics scheduling; (4) Application of intelligent algorithms in software testing; and (5) Application of intelligent algorithm in multi-objective optimization.

The content of each chapter is supported by papers published in top journals. The book’s authors introduce the work of each part, which mainly includes a brief introduction (mainly for readers to understand) and academic discussion (rigorous theoretical and experimental support), in a vivid and interesting way through excellent pictures and literary compositions. To help readers learn and make progress together, each part of this book provides relevant literature, code, experimental data, and so on.

  • Integrates the theoretical analysis results of intelligent algorithms, which is convenient for the majority of researchers to deeply understand the theoretical analysis results of intelligent algorithms and further supplement and improve the theoretical research of intelligent algorithms
  • Opens up readers’ understanding of the theoretical level of intelligent algorithms and spreads the inherent charm of intelligent algorithms
  • Integrates the diverse knowledge of society and provides a more comprehensive and scientific knowledge of intelligent algorithm theory


Presents the latest achievements of the computation time analysis theory and practical applications of intelligent algorithms

From the Back Cover

In this book, the latest achievements of the computation time analysis theory and practical applications of intelligent algorithms are set out. There are five chapters: (1) new method of intelligent algorithm computation time analysis; (2)Application of intelligent algorithms in computer vision; (3)Application of intelligent algorithms in logistics scheduling; (4)Application of intelligent algorithms in software testing; and (5) application of intelligent algorithm in multi-objective optimization. The content of each chapter is supported by papers published in top journals. The authors introduce the work of each part, which mainly includes a brief introduction (mainly for readers to understand) and academic discussion (rigorous theoretical and experimental support), in a vivid and interesting way through excellent pictures and literary compositions. To help readers learn and make progress together, each part of this book provides relevant literature, code, experimental data, and so on.

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