Hands-On RESTful Web Services with ASP.NET Core: Design,build,and test distributed web services with the ASP.NET Core

Hands-On RESTful Web Services with ASP.NET Core 3: Design production-ready,testable,and flexible RESTful APIs for web applications and microservices
Authors: Samuele Resca
ISBN-10: 1789537614
ISBN-13: 9781789537611
Released: 2019-12-27
Print Length 页数: 510 pages

Book Description

Discover how the ASP.NET Core framework helps us to build maintainable and performant web services with its fast,modular,and cloud-ready features.
Nowadays,web services serve a prominent role in web development. Competitive applications must be available in any device and platform. Web services help us to keep logic and UI separated. Thus,the RESTful approach has gained popularity because of its simplicity and effectiveness. This book explains how to build RESTful web services using ASP.NET Core.
This book begins by introducing you to the basics of the philosophy behind REST; you’ll go through the steps of designing and implementing enterprise-grade RESTful web services. You will work with the latest ASP.NET Core release and understand the development patterns behind it. The book provides a deep understanding of the middleware approach of ASP.NET Core. The book later explains the various middleware provided by ASP.NET core and how to customize them.
Later,the book goes in depth on approaches such as resilience,security,and scalability concerns. You’ll also learn the advanced techniques for caching,monitoring,and logging,and also how to implement unit and integration test strategies. In the end,you will deploy the REST services on Azure,document APIs using swagger and using external tools such as Postman.
By the end of the book,you will be able to design and develop RESTful web services using ASP.NET Core with a focus on testability and maintainability of the code.
What you will learn
Acquire a deep working knowledge of ASP.NET Core
Integrate third-party tools and frameworks to build maintainable and performant services
Implement patterns and good practices using dependency injection
Test an ASP.NET Core application using out-of-box tools of ASP.NET Core
Use docker to run your ASP.NET Core web service in an isolated and self-contained environment
Secure your information using HTTPS and token-based authentication
Integrate multiple web service using techniques such as resilient-clients and messaging
Section 1: Getting Started
Chapter 1: REST 101 and Getting Started with ASP.NET Core
Section 2: Overview of ASP.NET Core
Chapter 2: Overview of ASP.NET Core
Chapter 3: Working with the Middleware Pipeline
Chapter 4: Dependency Injection System
Chapter 5: Web Service Stack in ASP.NET Core
Chapter 6: Routing System
Chapter 7: Filter Pipeline
Section 3: Building a Real-World RESTful APl
Chapter 8: Building the Data Access Layer
Chapter 9: Implementing the Domain Logic
Chapter 10: Implementing the RESTful HTTP Layer
Chapter 11: Advanced Concepts of Building an API
Chapter 12: The Containerization of Services
Chapter 13: Service Ecosystem Patterns
Chapter 14: Implementing Worker Services Using.NET Core
Chapter 15: Securing Your Service
Section 4: Advanced Concepts for Building Services
Chapter 16: Caching Web Service Responses
Chapter 17: Logging and Health Checking
Chapter 18: Deploying Services on Azure
Chapter 19: Documenting Your APl Using Swagger
Chapter 20: Testing Services Using Postman
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