Hands-On Genetic Algorithms with Python: Apply genetic algorithms to solve real-world AI and machine learning problems
Author: Eyal Wirsansky (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing
Edition 版本: 2nd ed. edition
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-07-12
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 418 pages
ISBN-10: 1805123793
ISBN-13: 9781805123798
Book Description
Book Description
“This book provides an excellent 40-page introduction to GAs—one of the clearest I’ve encountered now that the field has matured. What’s particularly impressive is the succinct explanation of the technical aspects of GA construction, all without requiring any prior coding knowledge. The limitations of GAs are briefly mentioned—perhaps too briefly. The fact that GAs are computationally intensive is covered in only two sentences.
The book’s exploration of GAs in various AI/ML applications is comprehensive and, in my opinion, the highlight of the book. Some discussions are not Python-specific, so those using a different language will still find them valuable. For others, the hands-on approach (as promised by the book’s title) is emphasized through exercises with clear steps.
“Hands-On Genetic Algorithms with Python” is a much-needed book that emphasizes experiential learning as readers complete exercises alongside the author.
Full Disclosure: This book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. This review represents my personal opinion and does not constitute an endorsement on the part of my employer.”
Robert N. Bernard, Director, Risk Modeling Services (PwC)
About the Author
Eyal Wirsansky is a senior data scientist, an experienced software engineer, a technology community leader, and an artificial intelligence researcher. Eyal began his software engineering career over twenty-five years ago as a pioneer in the field of Voice over IP. He currently works as a member of the data platform team at Gradle, Inc. During his graduate studies, he focused his research on genetic algorithms and neural networks. A notable result of this research is a novel supervised machine learning algorithm that integrates both approaches. In addition to his professional roles, Eyal serves as an adjunct professor at Jacksonville University, where he teaches a class on artificial intelligence. He also leads both the Jacksonville, Florida Java User Group and the Artificial Intelligence for Enterprise virtual user group, and authors the developer-focused artificial intelligence blog, ai4java.
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