Handbook of Mathematical Concepts and Formulas for Students in Science and Engineering

Handbook of Mathematical Concepts and Formulas for Students in Science and Engineering
Author: Mohammad Asadzadeh (Author), Reimond Emanuelsson (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Wspc (Europe)
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-01-03
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 664 pages
ISBN-10: 1800613318
ISBN-13: 9781800613317

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive collection of the main mathematical concepts, including definitions, theorems, tables, and formulas, that students of science and engineering will encounter in their studies and later careers. Handbook of Mathematical Concepts and Formulas introduces the latest mathematics in an easily accessible format. It familiarizes readers with key mathematical and logical reasoning, providing clear routes to approach questions and problems.

Concepts covered include whole calculus, linear and abstract algebra, as well as analysis, applied math, mathematical statistics, and numerical analysis. The appendices address Mathematica and MATLAB programming, which contain simple programs for educational purposes, alongside more rigorous programs designed to solve problems of more real application.

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