Publication date: February 2,2020
Language 语言: English
File size: 34515 KB
Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Print Length 页数: 295 pages
Lending: Enabled
Book Description
This book brings the fundamentals of Machine Learning to you,using tools and techniques used to solve real-world problems in Computer Vision,Natural Language Processing,and Time Series analysis. The skills taught in this book will lay the foundation for you to advance your journey to Machine Learning Mastery!
Deep Learning has revolutionized the Machine Learning field. Python tools like Scikit-Learn,Pandas,TensorFlow,and Keras allows you to develop state-of-the-art applications powered by: Machine Learning.
This book is written for you,the Machine Learning practitioner. Every chapter describes a problem and a solution that you’ll encounter in your Machine Learning Journey.
Get started with TensorFlow 2 and Keras
Deploy a complete Keras Deep Learning project to production with Flask
Learn about fundamental/classical Machine Learning algorithms
Hyperparameter tuning with Keras Tuner
Learn how to debug your model when it is underfitting or overfitting
Predict cryptocurrency prices using LSTMs
Detect anomalies in Time Series data
Detect objects in images
Recognize user intents from raw text data
Hacker’s Guide to Machine Learning with Python