General Quantum Variational Calculus

General Quantum Variational Calculus (Advances in Applied Mathematics)

General Quantum Variational Calculus (Advances in Applied Mathematics)

Author: Svetlin G. Georgiev (Author), Khaled Zennir (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Chapman and Hall/CRC

Edition 版本:‏ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-12-19

Language 语言: English

Print Length 页数: 258 pages

ISBN-10: 1032899735

ISBN-13: 9781032899732

Book Description

Quantum calculus is the modern name for the investigation of calculus without limits. Quantum calculus, or q-calculus, began with F.H. Jackson in the early twentieth century, but this kind of calculus had already been worked out by renowned mathematicians Euler and Jacobi.

Lately, quantum calculus has aroused a great amount of interest due to the high demand of mathematics that model quantum computing. The q-calculus appeared as a connection between mathematics and physics. It has a lot of applications in different mathematical areas such as number theory, combinatorics, orthogonal polynomials, basic hypergeometric functions and other quantum theory sciences, mechanics, and the theory of relativity. Recently, the concept of general quantum difference operators that generalize quantum calculus has been defined.

General Quantum Variational Calculus is specially designed for those who wish to understand this important mathematical concept, as the text encompasses recent developments of general quantum variational calculus. The material is presented in a highly readable, mathematically solid format. Many practical problems are illustrated, displaying a wide variety of solution techniques.

This book is addressed to a wide audience of specialists such as mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and biologists. It can be used as a textbook at the graduate level and as a reference for several disciplines.

About the Author

Svetlin G. Georgiev is a mathematician who has worked in various areas of mathematics. He currently focuses on harmonic analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, Clifford and quaternion analysis, integral equations, and dynamic calculus on time scales.

Khaled Zennir earned his PhD in mathematics in 2013 from Sidi Bel Abbès University, Algeria. In 2015, he received his highest diploma in Habilitation in mathematics from Constantine University, Algeria. He is currently an assistant professor at Qassim University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His research interests lie in the subjects of nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations: global existence, blowup, and longtime behavior.

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