Fundamentals of Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks

Fundamentals of Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks
Author: David López-Pérez and Ming Ding
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Cambridge University Press; New edition (September 30, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 320 pages
ISBN-10: 1108484697
ISBN-13: 9781108484695

Book Description

Discover the fundamental characteristics of ultra-dense networks with this comprehensive text. Featuring a consistent mathematical description of ultra-dense small cell networks while also covering real-world issues such as network deployment, operation and optimization, this book investigates performance metrics of coverage probability and area spectral efficiency (ASE) and addresses the aspects of ultra-dense networks that make them different from current networks. Insightful intuitions, which will assist decision-makers as they migrate their services, are explained and mathematically proven. The book presents the latest review of research outcomes on ultra-dense networks, based on both theoretical analyses and network simulations, includes over 200 sources from 3GPP, the Small Cell Forum, journals and conference proceedings, and covers all other related and prominent topics. This is an ideal reference text for professionals who are dealing with the development, deployment, operation and maintenance of ultra-dense small cell networks, as well as researchers and graduate students in communications.
Fundamentals of Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks 9781108484695.rar

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