Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles, 4th Edition

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles
Author: Christopher R. Robertson (Author), Jo Verhaevert (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Routledge
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-01-20
Edition 版本:‏ 4th
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 272
ISBN-10: 1032311479
ISBN-13: 9781032311470

Book Description

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles covers the essential principles that form the foundations for electrical and electronic engineering courses. This new edition is extensively updated with a greater focus on electronic principles, evenly balanced with electrical principles. Fuller coverage is given to active electronics, with the additional topics of diodes and transistors, and core topics such as oscilloscopes now reflect state-of-the-art technology.

Each chapter starts with learning outcomes tied to the syllabus. All theory is explained in detail and backed up with numerous worked examples. Students can test their understanding with end-of-chapter assignment questions for which answers are provided. The book also includes suggested practical assignments and handy summaries of equations.

The book forms an excellent core work for beginning further education students with some mathematics background preparing for careers as technicians, and an introductory text for first-year undergraduate students in all engineering disciplines.

Jo Verhaevert is an associate professor and programme leader of the Electronic Engineering curriculum at Ghent University in Belgium, and a senior researcher in Electromagnetics at IMEC, Belgium.

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