FPGA-Based Embedded System Developer’s Guide

FPGA-Based Embedded System Developer’s Guide
Author: A. Arockia Bazil Raj (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ CRC Press
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2018-03-12
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 804 pages
ISBN-10: 1498796753
ISBN-13: 9781498796750

Book Description

The book covers various aspects of VHDL programming and FPGA interfacing with examples and sample codes giving an overview of VLSI technology, digital circuits design with VHDL, programming, components, functions and procedures, and arithmetic designs followed by coverage of the core of external I/O programming, algorithmic state machine based system design, and real-world interfacing examples.

• Focus on real-world applications and peripherals interfacing for different applications like data acquisition, control, communication, display, computing, instrumentation, digital signal processing and top module design

• Aims to be a quick reference guide to design digital architecture in the FPGA and develop system with RTC, data transmission protocols

About the Author

A. Arockia Bazil Raj received his B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India, his M.E degree in Communication Systems and his Ph.D degree in Information and Communication Technology from the Anna University, Chennai, India. His Ph.D research on Free Space Optical Communication was fully funded by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), New Delhi, India, under the ER&IPR project. He has delivered several invited talks and headed national/international conferences’ sessions. He has authored several papers published in reputed international journals and conferences. He published four books that are designed based on his teaching and research experience. He is a Reviewer in various journals of IEEE, Springer, OSA, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, SAGE and Elsevier etc., He is a Member of ISTE, IEEE, IET and SPIE. He was an Assistant Professor in the Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur, India from 2002 to 2006. He has been Associate Professor in the Research, Development and Establishment (RDE) section of the Laser Communication Laboratory (LCL) facility in the same institute from 2007 to October 2015. Presently, he is working in the field of Radar System Design and Radar Signal Processing in Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India from November 2015 onwards. He has successfully completed/investigated various research projects sponsored by government and non-government sectors/laboratories. His current research interests cover the free-space optical communication, Radar System Design, Photonics Radar Design, MIMO Radar Design and Radar signal processing.

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