Fintech Fundamentals: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital Economy

Fintech Fundamentals: Big Data / Cloud Computing / Digital Economy
Author: Len Mei (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Mercury Learning and Information
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2022-07-06
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 228 pages
ISBN-10: 1683928385
ISBN-13: 9781683928386

Book Description

This book examines the underlying digital technologies required to build the new digital economy. It discusses basic concepts and elements of the technologies that make a digital economy possible, such as cloud and edge computing, 5G telecommunication, blockchain, big data, and how financial technology affects both old and new industry. The book serves as a comprehensive introduction and background to anyone who is interested in the subject in order to do further research on the individual subjects included here.

  • Discusses basic concepts and elements of the technologies that make a digital economy possible, such as cloud and edge computing, 5G telecommunication, blockchain, big data, and AI
  • Covers financial service industries and effects of financial technology on industry

About the Author

Len Mei, Ph.D. is a senior executive in the semiconductor industry with extensive experience in quality management and technology development. He has over 20 international patents and numerous research publications.

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