Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus
Author: Stefan Waner (Author), Steven Costenoble (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Cengage Learning
Edition 版本: 8th
Publication Date 出版日期: 2023-03-13
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 1368 pages
ISBN-10: 0357723635
ISBN-13: 9780357723630
Book Description
Discover the relevance of mathematics in your own life as you master important concepts and skills in Waner/Costenoble�s FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS, 8th Edition. Updated, numerous examples and applications use real data from well-known businesses and economic and current life events — from cryptocurrency to COVID — to demonstrate how the principles you are learning impact you. Readable, streamlined content clearly presents concepts while numerous learning features and tools help you review and practice. Spreadsheet and TI graphing calculator instructions appear where needed. In addition, WebAssign online tools and an interactive eTextbook include teaching videos by an award-winning instructor. You can refine your skills in the necessary math prerequisites with additional examples and powerful adaptive practice sessions. A helpful website from the authors also offers online tutorials and videos on each mathematics topic to support your learning.
About the Author
Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble both received their Ph.D.s from the University of Chicago, having studied several years apart with the same advisor, J. Peter May. Their paths merged when Dr. Waner joined Dr. Costenoble at Hofstra University in 1987. Since then, they have coauthored 18 research papers as well as a research-level monograph in algebraic topology. By the early 1990s, they had become dissatisfied with many of the finite mathematics and applied calculus textbooks available. They wanted textbook choices that were more readable and relevant to students’ interests — texts that contained engaging examples and exercises and texts that reflected the interactive approaches and techniques they found worked well with their own students. It, therefore, seemed natural to extend their research collaboration to a joint textbook writing project that expressed these ideals. To this day, they continue to work together on textbook projects, research in algebraic topology and in their teaching.