Fighting Churn with Data: The science and strategy of customer retention
Author:by Carl S. Gold (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:Manning
Edition 版本:1st edition
Publication Date 出版日期:2020-12-22
Language 语言:English
Print Length 页数:504pages
Book Description
“This book is a rarity. Lucid, compelling, and even funny. Mandatoryreading for anyone running a subscription-based business. Buy acopy for your boss.”
–From the Foreword by Tien Tzuo, Founder and CEO of Zuora, Inc.
–From the Foreword by Tien Tzuo, Founder and CEO of Zuora, Inc.
“A must-have weapon. . . . This comprehensive guide provides deep insights on churn analysis with step-by-step examples.”
“A great exploration of churn, richly packed with theory and great code samples.”
“Churns out almost everything related to churn. Packed with lucidlanguage, detailed explanations, and scrutiny of a real-life casestudy.”
About the Author
Carl Gold is the Chief Data Scientist at Zuora, Inc, a comprehensive subscription management platform and newly public Silicon Valley “unicorn”. Zuora is widely recognized in a leader in all things pertaining to subscription and recurring revenue, with 1,000 customers across a range of industries worldwide. Carl joined Zuora in 2015 and created the predictive analytics system for Zuora’s subscriber analysis product, Zuora Insights.
PDF | 13 MB | 2020-11-20
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