Expert Twisted: Event-Driven and Asynchronous Programming with Python

Expert Twisted: Event-Driven and Asynchronous Programming with Python
Authors: Mark Williams – Cory Benfield – Brian Warner – Moshe Zadka – Dustin Mitchell – Kevin Samuel – Pierre Tardy
ISBN-10: 1484237412
ISBN-13: 9781484237410
Edition 版本:‏ 1st ed.
Released: 2019-02-04
Print Length 页数: 382 pages

Book Description

Explore Twisted,the Python-based event-driven networking engine,and review several of its most popular application projects. It is written by community leaders who have contributed to many of the projects covered,and share their hard-won insights and experience.
Expert Twisted starts with an introduction to event-driven programming,explaining it in the context of what makes Twisted unique. It shows how Twisted’s design emphasizes testability as a solution to common challenges of reliability,debugging,and start-to-finish causality that are inherent in event-driven programming. It also explains asynchronous programming,and the importance of functions,deferreds,and coroutines. It then uses two popular applications,treq and klein,to demonstrate calling and writing Web APIs with Twisted.
The second part of the book dives into Twisted projects,in each case explaining how the project fits into the Twisted ecosystem and what it does,and offers several examples to bring readers up to speed,with pointers to additional resources for more depth. Examples include using Twisted with Docker,as a WSGI container,for file sharing,and more.
What You’ll Learn
Integrate Twisted and asyncio using adapters
Automate software build,test,and release processes with Buildbot
Create clients and servers with Autobahn
Transfer files with Magic Wormhole
Distribute cloud-based file storage with Tahoe LAFS
Understand HTTP/2 with Python and Twisted
Support for asynchronous tasks using Django Channels

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