Engineering Mathematics,8th Edition

Engineering Mathematics 8th Edition
Author: John Bird (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Routledge
Edition 版本:‏ 8th
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2017-05-30
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 726 pages
ISBN-10: 9781138673595
ISBN-13: 9781138673595

Book Description

Now in its eighth edition, Engineering Mathematics is an established textbook that has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams. John Bird’s approach is based on worked examples and interactive problems. Mathematical theories are explained in a straightforward manner, being supported by practical engineering examples and applications in order to ensure that readers can relate theory to practice. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for a range of Level 2 and 3 engineering courses. This title is supported by a companion website with resources for both students and lecturers, including lists of essential formulae and multiple choice tests.


‘The book contains plenty of examples and problems with practical tutor resources online too, which include tests and sample answers.’ Chris Collins, Lincoln College

‘Good all round text book with plenty of worked examples and exercises.’ Eoin Fitzgerald, Limerick Institute of Technology

‘A very learner friendly text which is easy to follow, with many worked examples followed by graded exercises at the end of each chapter. Good coverage of the syllabus along with revision tests to consolidate the learning. The addition of free internet downloads make this an excellent text book.’ Alun Furzer, Newport and District Group Training Association

‘Plenty of relevant worked examples. Coverage of the curriculum is excellent with a clear, readable font. Instructions for calculators are provided for a Casio which is a popular choice among my students.’ Peter Dop, Deeside College

I love this book. It is well laid out and presented. It has good progression with good use of examples, questions and assessment John Langston, Qinetiq

About the Author

John Bird, BSc (Hons), CEng, CMath, CSci, FIMA, FIET, FCollT, is the former Head of Applied Electronics in the Faculty of Technology at Highbury College, Portsmouth, UK. More recently, he has combined freelance lecturing at the University of Portsmouth with examiner responsibilities for Advanced Mathematics with City and Guilds, and examining for the International Baccalaureate Organisation. He is the author of some 130 textbooks on engineering and mathematical subjects with worldwide sales of over one million copies. He is a chartered engineer, a chartered mathematician, a chartered scientist and a Fellow of three professional institutions, and is currently lecturing at the Defence School of Marine and Air Engineering in the Defence College of Technical Training at HMS Sultan, Gosport, Hampshire, UK.

Amazon page
Section 1 Number and algebra
Section 2 Areas and volumes
Section 3 Trigonometry
Section 4 Graphs
Section 5 Complex numbers
Section 6 Vectors
Section 7 Statistics
Section 8 Differential calculus
Section 9 Integral calculus
Section 10 Differential equations
Section 11 Further number and algebra
List of essential formulae
Answers to Practice Exercises
Answers to multiple choice questions
Engineering Mathematics,8th Edition 9781138673595.pdf[/erphpdown]

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