Electronics 1 (QuickStudy Academic),2nd Edition

Electronics 1 (QuickStudy Academic),2nd Edition
English | 2019 | ISBN-13: 9781423241799 | 6 Pages | PDF | 10 MB

Book Description

Engineers build the foundation for solid and secure systems that we all use every day. The number of facts needed for those calculations is staggering and just one mistake can wreak havoc. This must-have reference to the core fundamentals of electronics is perfect for any student or professional. Concisely written so you can have more answers in 6 durably laminated pages than you would find in 100 pages of a book. Ready at your fingertips for studying and boosting grades,or for career projects in the working world providing one more verification of facts that can ensure a solid build. Concepts covered are taught in electronic circuit courses for engineers where key facts learned need to be referenced throughout engineering school and a career. With the number of facts covered and the durability to last a lifetime,there is also no better value. To complete the set,get Electronics 1 & Electronics 2 for even more well-rounded coverage.
6 page laminated guide covers:
Circuits & Systems: Definitions
Electronic Circuits
Resistive Circuits
Time Dependent Circuits
Electrical Signal
Signal Distortion
Circuit Devices
Diodes: Ideal & Practical Versions
Diodes as Circuit Elements
Semiconductor Diodes
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Semiconductors
PN Junction
Junction Diodes
Biasing a Semiconductor Diode
Rectifier Circuits
Half-Wave Rectifier,& with a Capacitor Filter
Full-Wave Rectifier with a Center-Tapped Transformer
Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier
Voltage Regulation,Zener Regulators
Diode Clipping Circuits,Voltage Clamps,Envelope Detector
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
Unbiased BJT & Biased BJT
Equivalent Circuit of a BJT
BJT Modes of Operation & BJT Characteristics
Analytical Relations of BJT Characteristics
Single-Battery Biasing: CE configurations
Calculation of Biasing Resistor Values
Operating Point (Q-Point) Calculation
Voltage-Divider Bias
Maximum Dynamic Swing of the Signal
Biasing for Q-Point Stability
H-Parameter & Hybrid: pi Parameter Models of BJTs
Hybrid-pi model: CE Configuration
Common Emitter (CE) Amplifier
Common Base (CB) Amplifier
Common Collector (CC) Amplifier
Comparison of the Parameters of CB,
CE & CC Amplifiers

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