Digital Marketing Foundations and Strategy
Author: Debra Zahay (Author), Lauren Labrecque (Author), Brooke Reavey (Author), Mary Lou Roberts (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Cengage Learning
Edition 版本: 5th
Publication Date 出版日期: 2023-10-10
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 576 pages
ISBN-10: 0357720733
ISBN-13: 9780357720738
Book Description
Zahay/Labrecque/Reavey/Roberts’ DIGITAL MARKETING FOUNDATIONS AND STRATEGY, 5th EDITION provides students with a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing. Using strategy concepts as its foundation helps students to easily translate material from other marketing and business courses into the practice of digital marketing. Chapters combine marketing theory and conceptual frameworks to provide students with a foundational understanding of digital marketing issue. DIGITAL MARKETING FOUNDATIONS AND STRATEGY FIFTH EDITION includes relevant updates on the impact of the COVID pandemic as well as trends in account-based marketing and Google algorithm updates. Regal and regulatory issues as well as AI and marketing automation are integrated throughout the text.
About the Author
Dr. Lauren Labrecque is an associate professor of marketing and the marketing area coordinator at the University of Rhode Island. Her primary research interests include sensory marketing (focus on color) and digital marketing (including digital empowerment, consumer privacy, social media engagement, and parasocial interactions). Her research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Psychology & Marketing and Marketing Letters. She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Psychology & Marketing. Dr. Labrecque earned her Ph.D. in marketing (business administration) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dr. Brooke Reavey is a Fulbright Scholar and associate professor of marketing at the Brennan School of Business, Dominican University. Her work has been published in scholarly outlets such as the International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Marketing Education and Marketing Education Review, among others. Brooke’s academic work focuses on the intersection between digital marketing and market research. She serves in leadership roles within the AMA, Chicago Chapter and the Insights Association, North Central Chapter. Dr. Reavey earned her Ph.D. in marketing from Drexel University.
Dr. Mary Lou Roberts was professor emeritus of management and marketing at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She earned her Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Michigan and taught marketing and related courses for over 20 years. Dr. Roberts served as senior author of DIRECT MARKETING MANAGEMENT and co-author of this book. She published extensively in marketing journals in the United States and Europe. In 1997, Dr. Roberts’s article, “Expanding the Role of the Direct Marketing Database” was included in the Journal of Direct Marketing Best of the Decade Ten Year Retrospective. She was an active member of many professional organizations and served on a number of local and national boards, including the American Marketing Association, Mass Audubon and the Advisory Board of Professional Organizations of the U.S. Department of the Census. Dr. Roberts passed in January of 2020, leaving a significant gap in today’s marketing and management educational profession.
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