Developing Management Skills, Global Edition, 10th Edition

Developing Management Skills, Global Edition, 10th Edition
by David Whetten(Author), Kim Cameron(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎Pearson; 10th edition (8 Feb. 2023)
Language 语言: ‎English
Print Length 页数: ‎560 pages
ISBN-10: ‎1292457740
ISBN-13: ‎9781292457741

Book Description

For undergraduate and graduate principles of management and management skills courses
Skills development for tomorrow’s managers
Whetten’s Developing Management Skills has become the standard text in learning hands-on management. Designed for students of all skill levels and learning styles, the text allows students to apply knowledge to real-world situations, connect concepts to their own lives, and experience management theory in a tactile and engaging way. Updated for tomorrow’s managers, the 10th Edition features contemporary examples, new skill assessments and cases, updated research, and tangible, relevant goals for students to work toward. By focusing on the essential skills for success, students will be able to see what managers actually “do,” and how they transform those management concepts into practical, actionable techniques.
Hallmark Features
An emphasis on key managerial skills
Chapters are organized into 3 parts (personal, interpersonal and group skills) so students can see how certain abilities relate to one another.
A 5-Step Learning Model promotes a personalized, hands-on educational experience that addresses skill assessment, learning, analysis, practice and application.
A focus on developing those skills
An Employability Skills Matrix Grid provides a visual guide to features that support the development of skills today’s employers are looking for.
Skill Assessment Surveys let students assess their abilities and identify ones they need to focus on.
Emphasize the Skill Application, Behavioral Guidelines, and Summary Models boxes help students put concepts into action and aid in their studying.
New to this Edition
New and Updated Features
Guidance on contemporary challenges
UPDATED: Discussion of our current economic climate’s changing management protocol. This includes guidance on how to accept new goals, ideas, and approaches; invigorate individuals who feel left behind; and help “survivors” of a downsizing.
UPDATED: A focus on diversity and inclusion. Each chapter, case, exercise and role play has been updated to focus on international perspectives and gender, so that the material is more inclusive.
UPDATED: References ensure students have the latest information on events and issues in the business world.
A focus on developing management skills
UPDATED: Learning Objectives keep readers focused in every chapter.
NEW and UPDATED: Cases, Exercises, and Creative Problem-Solving Practice scenarios help students to understand and apply chapter concepts.
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Critical Role of Management Skills
Developing Self-Awareness
Managing Stress and Well-Being
Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively
Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
Gaining Power and Influence
Motivating Performance
Negotiating and Resolving Conflict
Empowering and Engaging Others
Building Effective Teams and Teamwork
Leading Positive Change
David Whetten is a professor at Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University. In the past, he has served as Associate Dean of the College of Commerce, Harry Gray Professor of Business Administration, and Director of the Office of Organizational Research at the University of Illinois.
David has published over 50 articles and books on the subjects of interorganisational relations, organisational effectiveness, decline, identity, and management education. His management text, Developing Management Skills, has been adapted for the European market under the title, Developing Management Skills for Europe, and his pioneering work in management skill education earned Dave and his co-author, Kim Cameron, the David Bradford Distinguished Educator Award from the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society in 1992.
David is an active management trainer and consultant, having worked with a variety of profit and non-profit organisations, and several major businesses including Caterpillar and State Farm. He has taught classes and workshops over the years on strategy implementation, organisational change, organisational values, and a variety of managerial skills, including motivation, conflict management, team building, and communications.
Dr. Kim Cameron, University of Michigan, has served as Dean at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, Associate Dean in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, and department chair at the University of Michigan. He is also one of the co-founders of the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship at the University of Michigan.
His research has focused on areas such as organisational downsizing, organisational effectiveness, corporate quality culture and the development of leadership excellence. Other areas of his research also include the virtuousness in and of organisations – such as forgiveness, gratitude, kindness, and compassion – and their relationship to performance.
Kim has been published in more than 120 academic articles and 13 scholarly books.

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