Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide

Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide Hardcover – 21 Dec. 2021
Author: Shriram K. Vasudevan,Sini Raj Pulari,Subashri Vasudevan(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (21 Dec. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 290 pages
ISBN-10: 1032028823
ISBN-13: 9781032028828

Book Description

Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide provides comprehensive coverage of Deep Learning and Machine Learning concepts. Deep Learning and Machine Learning are the most sought-after domains,require a deep understanding and this book gives no less than that. This book enables the reader to build innovative and useful applications based on ML and DL. Starting from the basics of neural networks,the architecture of various types of CNNs,RNN,LSTM,etc. till the end of the book,each and every topic is given the utmost care and shaped professionally and comprehensively.
Includes the smooth transition from ML concepts to DL concepts
Line by line explanation has been provided for all the coding-based examples
Includes a lot of real-time examples and interview questions that will prepare the reader to take up a job in MLDL right away
Even a person with a non-computer science background can benefit from this book by following the theory,examples,case studies,and code snippets
Every chapter starts with the objective and ends with a set of quiz questions to test the readers’ understanding
Includes references to the YouTube videos for providing additional guidance
AI is a domain for everyone. The book is targeted towards everyone irrespective of their field of specialization. Graduates and researchers in deep learning will find this book useful
Deep Learning A Comprehensive Guide 9781032028828.rar

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