Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java (4th Edition)
by: Michael Main
ISBN-10: 0132576244
ISBN-13: 9780132576246
Edition 版本: 4
Released: 2011-11-12
Pages: 848
Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java is a gradual,“just-in-time” introduction to Data Structures for a CS2 course.
Each chapter provides a review of the key aspects of object-oriented programming and a syntax review,giving students the foundation for understanding significant programming concepts. With this framework they are able to accomplish writing functional data structures by using a five-step method for working with data types; understanding the data type abstractly,writing a specification,using the data type,designing and implementing the data type,and analyzing the implementation. Students learn to think analytically about the efficiency and efficacy of design while gaining exposure to useful Java classes libraries.
Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java,4th Edition
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