Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)
by: Mark A. Weiss
ISBN-10: 0201498405
ISBN-13: 9780201498400
Edition 版本: 2
Released: 1996-09-19
Pages: 528
Product description
Mark Allen Weiss’ successful book provides a modern approach to algorithms and data structures using the C programming language. The book’s conceptual presentation focuses on ADTs and the analysis of algorithms for efficiency,with a particular concentration on performance and running time. The second edition contains a new chapter that examines advanced data structures such as red black trees,top down splay trees,treaps,k-d trees,and pairing heaps among others. All code examples now conform to ANSI C and coverage of the formal proofs underpinning several key data structures has been strengthened.
From the Back Cover
In this second edition of his best-selling book,Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C,Mark Allen Weiss,continues to refine and enhance his innovative approach to algorithms and data structures. Using a C implementation,he highlights conceptual topics,focusing on ADTs and the analysis of algorithms for efficiency as well as performance and running time. Dr. Weiss also distinguishes Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C with the extensive use of figures and examples showing the successive stages of an algorithm,his engaging writing style,and a logical organization of topics.
Includes a chapter on algorithm and design techniques that covers greedy algorithms,divide and conquer algorithms,dynamic programming,randomized algorithms,and backtracking
Presents current topics and newer data structures such as Fibonacci heaps,skew heaps,binomial queues,skip lists,and splay trees
Contains a chapter on amortized analysis that examines the advanced data structures presented earlier in the book
Provides a new chapter on advanced data structures and their implementation covering red black trees,top down splay trees,treaps,k-d trees,pairing heaps,and more
Incorporates new results on the average case analysis of heapsort
Offers source code from example programs via anonymous FTP
About the Author
Mark Allen Weiss is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Florida International University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University where he studied under Robert Sedgewick. Dr.Weiss has received FIU’s Excellence in Research Award,as well as the Teaching Incentive Program Award,which was established by the Florida Legislature to recognize teaching excellence. Mark Allen Weiss is on the Advanced Placement Computer Science Development Committee. He is the successful author of Algorithms,Data Structures,and Problem Solving with C++ and the series Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Pascal,Ada,C,and C++,with Addison-Wesley.
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