Data Science in Engineering and Management: Applications,New Developments,and Future Trends

Data Science in Engineering and Management: Applications,New Developments,and Future Trends 1st Edition
Author: Zdzislaw Polkowski,Sambit Kumar Mishra,Julian Vasilev (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ CRC Press; 1st edition (January 25,2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 168 pages
ISBN-10: 1032106255
ISBN-13: 9781032106250

Book Description

This book brings insight into Data Science and offers applications and implementation strategies. It includes recent developments and future trends and covers the concept of Data Science along with its origin. It focuses on the mechanisms of extracting data along with classifications,architectural concepts,and predictive analysis.
Data Science in Engineering and Management: Applications,New Developments,and Future Trends introduces the concept of data science,its use,and its origin,as well as presents recent trends,highlights future developments,along with discussing problems,and offering solutions. It focuses on the mechanisms of extracting data along with classifications,architectural concepts,and business intelligence with predictive analysis. It provides an overview of recent developments and applications on data linked to engineering and management perspectives and also covers how data scientists,analyst and program managers that are interested in productivity and improving their business can do so Author: incorporating a data science workflow effectively.
This book is useful to researchers involved in data science and can be a reference for future research. It is also suitable as supporting material for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in related engineering disciplines
Data Science in Engineering and Management 9781032106250.rar

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