Data Science and Machine Learning for Non-Programmers: Using SAS Enterprise Miner

Data Science and Machine Learning for Non-Programmers: Using SAS Enterprise Miner (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)

Data Science and Machine Learning for Non-Programmers: Using SAS Enterprise Miner (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)

Author: Dothang Truong (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Chapman and Hall/CRC

Edition 版本:‏ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-02-23

Language 语言: English

Print Length 页数: 577 pages

ISBN-10: 0367755386

ISBN-13: 9780367755386

Book Description

As data continues to grow exponentially, knowledge of data science and machine learning has become more crucial than ever. Machine learning has grown exponentially; however, the abundance of resources can be overwhelming, making it challenging for new learners. This book aims to address this disparity and cater to learners from various non-technical fields, enabling them to utilize machine learning effectively.

Adopting a hands-on approach, readers are guided through practical implementations using real datasets and SAS Enterprise Miner, a user-friendly data mining software that requires no programming. Throughout the chapters, two large datasets are used consistently, allowing readers to practice all stages of the data mining process within a cohesive project framework. This book also provides specific guidelines and examples on presenting data mining results and reports, enhancing effective communication with stakeholders.

Designed as a guiding companion for both beginners and experienced practitioners, this book targets a wide audience, including students, lecturers, researchers, and industry professionals from various backgrounds.

About the Author

Dothang Truong, PhD, is a Professor of Graduate Studies at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida. He has extensive teaching and research experience in machine learning, data analytics, air transportation management, and supply chain management. In 2022, Dr. Truong received the Frank Sorenson Award for outstanding achievement of excellence in aviation research and scholarship.


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