Data-Driven Storytelling (AK Peters Visualization Series)
ISBN-10: 1138482250
ISBN-13: 9781138482258
Edition 版本: 1
Released: 2018-04-06
Pages: 314
Trumpets please! This lucidly written report on data-driven storytelling lays out the compelling benefits and substantial challenges of this potent journalistic innovation. The strong team of authors offer fresh thinking and thoughtful guidance on exploration,explanation,engagement,ethics,and evaluation. Packed with examples for practitioners and references for researchers,this book opens up fresh possibilities that extend information visualization into decision-making,policy-shifting,and mind-changing applications.
-Ben Shneiderman,University of Maryland
About the Author
Dr. Nathalie Henry Riche is a researcher at Microsoft Research since December 2008. She holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Paris XI and INRIA,France,as well as from the University of Sydney,Australia. Her research focuses on human-computer interaction and information visualization.
Dr. Christophe Hurter is a professor at the Interactive Data Visualization group ( part of the DEVI team) of the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC) in Toulouse,France.
Dr. Nicholas Diakopoulos is an Assistant Professor at the Northwestern University School of Communication where he directs the Computational Journalism Lab
Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary where she holds a Canada Research Chair in Information Visualization,the NSERC/AITF/SMART Technologies Industrial Research Chair in Interactive Technologies and leads the Innovations in Visualization (InnoVis) research group.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Storytelling in the Wild: Implications for
Data Storytelling
Chapter 3 Exploration and Explanation in Data-Driven
Chapter 4 Data-Driven Storytelling Techniques: Analysis of a
Curated Collection of Visual Stories
Chapter 5 Narrative Design Patterns for Data-Driven
Chapter 6 Watches to Augmented Reality: Devices and Gadgets
for Data-Driven Storytelling
Chapter 7 From Analysis to Communication: Supporting the
Lifecycle of a Story
Chapter 8 Organizing the Work of Data-Driven Visual
Chapter 9 Communicating Data to an Audience
Chapter 10 Ethics in Data-Driven Visual Storytelling
Chapter 11 Evaluating Data-Driven Stories and Storytelling