Cross-device Web Search

Cross-device Web Search
Author: Dan Wu,Jing Dong,Shaobo Liang(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Routledge (April 14, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 138 pages
ISBN-10: 0367193116
ISBN-13: 9780367193119

Book Description

Cross-device Web Search is the first book to examine cross-device search behavior, which takes place when people utilize multiple devices and several sessions to research the same topic.
Providing a comprehensive examination of cross-device search behaviors, the book also models and analyses their most important features and, Author: doing so, helps to elucidate the motivations behind such behaviors. Drawing on a variety of methods and sources, including system design, user experiments, and qualitative and quantitative analysis, the book introduces cross-device search, relates it to relevant conceptual models, and identifies cross-device search topics. Providing discussion of a comprehensive range of behaviors in the context of cross-device search, including querying, gazing, clicking, and touching, the book also presents the design and development of a system to support cross-device search, explores cross-device search behavior modeling, and predicts users’ search performance.
Cross-device Web Search will be of great interest to academics and students situated in the fields of library and information science, computer science, and management science. The book should also provide fascinating insights to practitioners and others interested in information search retrieval, information seeking behavior, and human-computer interaction communities.
Cross-device Web Search

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