Advanced Techniques and Applications of Cybersecurity and Forensics
Advanced Techniques and Applications of Cybersecurity and Forensics (Emerging Technologies) Author: Keshav Kaushik (Edit...
Advanced Techniques and Applications of Cybersecurity and Forensics (Emerging Technologies) Author: Keshav Kaushik (Edit...
Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning Author: John Tuhao Chen (Author), Clement Lee (Author), Lincy Y. Chen (Autho...
Metaheuristics for Enterprise Data Intelligence (Advances in Metaheuristics) Author: Kaustubh Vaman Sakhare (Editor), Vi...
Attack-and-Defense Games for Control Systems: Analysis and Synthesis Author: Huanhuan Yuan (Author), Yuan Yuan (Author),...
Modern Statistics with R: From Wrangling and Exploring Data to Inference and Predictive Modelling Author: Måns Thulin (A...
Handbook of Texture Analysis: AI-Based Medical Imaging Applications Author: Ayman El-Baz (Editor), Mohammed Ghazal (Edit...
Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using the Internet of Things (Intelligent Data-Driven Systems and Artificial Intelligence) A...
Internet of Things Vulnerabilities and Recovery Strategies Author: Fahim Masoodi (Editor), Alwi Bamhdi (Editor), Majid A...
Boundary Value Problems for Linear Partial Differential Equations Author: Manuel Mañas (Author), Luis Martínez Alonso (A...
Algorithms in Advanced Artificial Intelligence Author: R. N. V. Jagan Mohan (Editor), Vasamsetty Chandra Sekhar (Editor)...