Quantum Computation
Quantum Computation (Advances in Applied Mathematics) Author: Helmut Bez (Author), Tony Croft (Author) Publisher finelyb...
Quantum Computation (Advances in Applied Mathematics) Author: Helmut Bez (Author), Tony Croft (Author) Publisher finelyb...
Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Sensors and Instruments Author: Halit Eren (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: CRC P...
Designed Experiments for Science and Engineering Author: Michael D. Holloway (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: CRC Pre...
The Craft and Science of Game Design Author: Philippe O’Connor (Author) Edition 版本: 1st Publication Date 出版日期: 2...
Developing Graphics Frameworks with Python and OpenGL Author: Lee Stemkoski (Author), Michael Pascale (Author) Edition 版...
Data Analytics for Finance Using Python (Advances in Digital Technologies for Smart Applications) Author: Nitin Jaglal U...
Digital Control of Power Converters Using Arduino and an STM32 Microcontroller Author: Majid Pakdel (Author) Publisher f...
I-Function and Its Applications (Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods for Innovation) Author: Vinod Prakash S...
Learning to Flourish in the Age of AI Author: Stephen M. Kosslyn (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Routledge Edition 版...
Multiple Stopping Problems: Uni- and Multilateral Approaches Author: Georgy Sofronov (Author), Krzysztof Szajowski (Auth...