Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL With C++, 3rd Edition

Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL With C++
Author: V. Scott Gordon PhD (Author), John L. Clevenger PhD (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Mercury Learning and Information
Edition 版本:‏ 3rd
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-02-23
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 568 pages
ISBN-10: 1501522590
ISBN-13: 9781501522598

Book Description

This updated edition includes step-by-step instruction on modern OpenGL 4.0+ GLSL shader programming with C++, along with the theoretical foundations of 3D computer graphics. Every shader stage is explored, from the basics of modeling, textures, lighting, shadows, etc., through advanced techniques such as tessellation, noise maps, water, and stereoscopy. This new edition includes expanded coverage of camera control, refraction, and a new chapter on ray tracing with bounding volume hierarchies for complex models. The companion files include all the source code, shaders, model files, skyboxes, etc., needed to run every example in the book.

  • Covers modern OpenGL 4.0+ GLSL shader programming with C++, and instructions for both PC/Windows and Macintosh
  • Provides complete source code for each example, fully explained along with tips for performance optimization
  • Includes step-by-step instruction for using each GLSL programmable pipeline stage (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment)
  • Designed in a 4-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples that the reader can run just as presented
  • Explores practical examples for modeling, lighting, and shadows (including soft shadows), terrain, water, and 3Dmaterials such as wood and marble
  • Expanded coverage of ray tracing, to include complex models and bounding volume hierarchies
  • Includes companion files with source code, shaders, OBJ models, textures, skydomes, normal maps, high resolution figures, and more

About the Author

V. Scott Gordon is a computer science professor at California State University, Sacramento.
John L. Clevenger is a computer science professor at California State University, Sacramento.

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