Computer Engineering Applications in Electronic, Biomedical, and Automotive Systems

Computer Engineering Applications in Electronic, Biomedical, and Automotive Systems (Energy Science, Engineering and Technology Series)
Author: D’Andrade (Author), Brian (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-03-20.
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 1 pages
ISBN-13: 9798891134881

Book Description

Computer Engineering covers a broad range of applications and overlaps with other fields, including materials science, electrical/electronics, vehicles, physics, and statistics. This book provides insights into a few computer engineering applications in electronics, and in the medical and the automotive fields where advances in robotics, embedded systems, and sensors are creating a bold future. The chapters are written from the perspectives of scientists and engineering consultants who have broad experiences across multiple vendors and manufacturers of systems. Their unique perspectives are formed from work on consumer products including research, development, safety, legal compliance, and standards for products. Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Wearable Electronic Devices and Technologies
M. Hossein M. Kouhani¹, PhD, PE, Kyle D. Murray¹, PhD, Zachary A. Lamport², PhD, and Surya Sharma³, PhD
¹Exponent, Inc., Natick, MA, USA
²Exponent, Inc., New York, NY, USA
³Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA

Chapter 2. Robotics, Computation, and Sensors
Daniel M. Palmer
Exponent Inc., New York, NY, USA

Chapter 3. Applied Image Processing and Computer Vision for Materials Science and Engineering
Surya Sharma¹, PhD, Janille Maragh¹, PhD, Susan Han², PhD, Chongyue Yi¹, PhD, and Cathy Chen³, PhD, PE
¹Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA
²Exponent, Inc., Natick, MA, USA
³Exponent, Inc., New York, NY, USA

Chapter 4. Integrated Circuits Application in the Automotive Environment
Yike Hu, PhD and Xiang Wang, PhD
Exponent, Inc., Shanghai, China

Chapter 5. Electronics Thermal Design for Optimum Chip Cooling
Qiming Zhang, PhD and Farooq Siddiqui, PhD
Exponent, Inc., Hong Kong

Chapter 6. Process Controls and Lean Manufacturing for Integrated Circuits Manufacturing
Catrice M. Kees¹, PhD, Melissa L. Mendias², PhD, and Rebecca Routson³, PhD
¹Exponent, Inc., Bowie, MD, USA
²Exponent, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA
³Exponent, Inc., Denver, CO, USA

Chapter 7. Quantum Computation: From Hardware Challenges to Software Engineering Tools and Technologies
Gavin D. Scott, Matthew A. Pooley, and Paloma L. Ocola
Exponent, Inc., New York, NY, USA

Chapter 8. Battery Management Systems: From Consumer Electronics to Electric Vehicles
Michelle L. Kuykendal, PhD, Melissa L. Mendias, PhD, and Rita Garrido Menacho, PhD
Exponent, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA

Chapter 9. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Sensor Technology
Michelle L. Kuykendal¹, Melissa L. Mendias¹, Sean Scally², and Liyu Wang³
¹Exponent, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA
²Exponent, Inc., Natick, MA, USA
³Exponent Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA

Chapter 10. Medical Robotics and Computing
Yulia Malkova¹, Anirudh Sharma², and Nadia Barakat³
¹Exponent, Inc, New York, NY, USA
²Exponent, Inc., Bowie, MD, USA
³Exponent, Inc., Natick, MA, USA


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