Complex Networks: A Networking and Signal Processing Perspective (Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series from Ted Rappaport)
Authors: B. S. Manoj – Abhishek Chakraborty – Rahul Singh
ISBN-10: 0134786998
ISBN-13: 9780134786995
Edition 版本: 1
Released: 2018-02-12
Pages: 576 pages
Book Description
The Up-to-Date Guide to Complex Networks for Students,Researchers,and Practitioners
Networks with complex and irregular connectivity patterns appear in biology,chemistry,communications,social networks,transportation systems,power grids,the Internet,and many big data applications. Complex Networks offers a novel engineering perspective on these networks,focusing on their key communications,networking,and signal processing dimensions.
Three leading researchers draw on recent advances to illuminate the design and characterization of complex computer networks and graph signal processing systems. The authors cover both the fundamental concepts underlying graph theory and complex networks,as well as current theory and research. They discuss spectra and signal processing in complex networks,graph signal processing approaches for extracting information from structural data,and advanced techniques for multiscale analysis.
What makes networks complex,and how to successfully characterize them
Graph theory foundations,definitions,and concepts
Full chapters on small-world,scale-free,small-world wireless mesh,and small-world wireless sensor networks
Complex network spectra and graph signal processing concepts and techniques
Multiscale analysis via transforms and wavelets
About This E-Book
About the Authors
About the Cover
2 Graph Theory Preliminaries
3 Introduction to Complex Networks
4Small-World Networks
5Scale-Free Networks
6Small-World Wireless Mesh Networks
7 Small-World Wireless Sensor Networks
8 Spectra of Complex Networks
9Signal Processing on Complex Networks
10Graph Signal Processing Approaches
11Multiscale Analysis of Complex Networks
A Vectors and Matrices
BClassical Signal Processing
CAnalysis of Locations of Anchor Points
DAsymptotic Behavior of Functions
ERelevant Academic Courses and Programs
FRelevant Journals and Conferences
GRelevant Datasets and Visualization Tools
HRelevant Research Groups